I'm new at this... the whole "being home instead of working" thing. And lets face it, this takes some getting use to and adjustment to make it work properly. So I've come up with a short "summer bucket list" to help keep my sanity and the kids entertained. Let's see how much of this is accomplished at the end of summer.
1.) Get out of the house with the kids at least once a week. (Brookfield Zoo, Phillips Park, Naperville Riverwalk, downtown Yorkville, the pool, etc)
2.) Work with Morgan on becoming better acquainted with her potty seat.
3.) Get some "adult" time. (Monday evenings at Suzy's watching Amanda's sand volleyball team will be a good start!, but I want to get a "Moms night" once every few weeks for us neighborhood moms to get together & have some wine.)
and, last but certainly not least
4.) WORK ON MY NOVEL! My goal is to have it 90-100% complete before fall semester begins. Considering I've written 2 chapters in the last 2 days and come up with a great twist, I have no excuse not to meet this goal, unless (God forbid) I hit writers block- in which case someone will need to come kick me square in the derriere!