Monday, July 4, 2011

WDIDTS: ADS pt 2- "It made me laugh."

Our poor Moms!
We decided to use disposables for the Friday/Saturday (6/24 & 6/25) portion of our vacation since we would be hitting Galena and then Northfield before finally taking pause in Swea on Sunday. Since we were going to be in the car and wouldn't have much time for laundry, we thought having dirty diapers in a warm car for several days didn't sound very appealing; so before we left Friday we had every cloth diaper washed & packed and baby was wearing a disposable. I didn't realize I had already become so accustomed to using the cloth diapers until Saturday night at the hotel when I told Mom & Brian "I can't wait to get her back in cloth!"
Sunday morning Mom stole the baby into her room with "the boy" in tow while Brian & I loaded the car. While Brian was doing the final check of our room, I went to Mom's & the baby had just spit up- on herself & on the bed. Mom & I agreed that a fresh diaper for the road was a grand idea so I took her & laid her on the bed to change her diaper & noticed that she had gotten Mom as well. Ok, no problem, we'll just wipe them down, right? WRONG! Not only had she spit up but she had unleashed the holy demon of poops onto my Mom which had claimed not only the outfit she was wearing, but my Mom's shirt as well. Yuck! We get to Swea & immediately put her in cloth. (I loved Aunt Renee's interest in my mini CD tutorial.)
Fast forward to Saturday (7/2 for those of you keeping track)- We are all ready to take the kids to the fishing derby & my MIL wants to keep the baby- ok, 1-on-1 with the boy & she gets to have the baby all to herself- win-win! I asked if she had a diaper preference & she chose disposable because that's what she had "more experience" with, so I put her in that & left several extras out for her. After the derby we get back to the house & notice that the baby AND my MIL are both in new outfits- uh-oh! Sure enough, she blessed yet another Grandma with the queen of all poops! We all laughed as my MIL joked that I did it on purpose & I told her "I told you so."
So now I'm thinking "what is it with her & letting it fly on her Grandmas clothes?"
While we have had nearly non-existent numbers of leaks with the cloth (some of the really runny poops start to color the stitching seams after a minute or two, and Brian had a drop on his arm one day- but that was due to holding her at a funny angle, one-handed & the diaper wasn't adjusted fully)- these leaks are nothing compared to the blessings she has bestowed upon her Grandmothers when wearing disposables.
And I have to say... it made me laugh.

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